Stabilsed Liquid Oxygen Product - similar to Aerobic Oxygen. Contains 13,000ppm dissolved oxygen.
This product is available from The Finchley Clinic
Stabilsed Liquid Oxygen Product - similar to Aerobic Oxygen. Contains 13,000ppm dissolved oxygen.
This product is available from The Finchley Clinic
Date Added: Thursday 05 October 2017
I bought this really for general well being and have found my quality of sleep has improved my energy levels have increased. Also I have noticed that I have had moments where I felt the start of a cold and I add a few more drops of this liquid to my twice daily in take and it seems to help stop things dead in their tracks. I see myself using this long term or at least always having a couple of bottles at home.
Date Added: Wednesday 23 December 2015
Aerobic 07 gives me more energy and mental clarity. Also seems to keep my intestinal system moving. When I take it my body doesn't feel so toxic. For example if I eat gluten it gives me terrible gas and bad breath. But I have found if I take 10 drops twice per day of aerobic oxygen it has a great effect in settling things down a few hours later. I believe I have a chronic candida problem and have a lot of food intolerances. A lot of foods I avoid completely but aerobic oxygen does enable me to tolerate some foods I otherwise cannot eat. Another thing I have noticed that is that The Finchley Clinic recommend taking Aerobic 07 a couple of hours away from taking vitamin C. I have noticed tha