Say Yes To Health

Womega 9.99


Womega® is a patented combination of omega 3 fatty acids, Vitamins K2 and D3, Cocoa extract and Cardiolina®, which has been specially formulated for women to help maintain a healthy heart and cardiovascular system. Cocoa extract contains polyphenols (antioxidants) which help to maintain a healthy blood pressure.

This product is available from The Finchley Clinic
Price £9.99
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Womega® is a patented combination of omega 3 fatty acids, Vitamins K2 and D3, Cocoa extract and Cardiolina®, which has been specially formulated for women to help maintain a healthy heart and cardiovascular system. Cocoa extract contains polyphenols (antioxidants) which help to maintain a healthy blood pressure.

This product is available from The Finchley Clinic